In my last couple of posts I've looked at the main types of intermittent fasting (also known as IF) and its health benefits. While intermittent fasting is undoubtedly a healthy lifestyle choice, you do need to follow the right strategy to fully enjoy its benefits and seamlessly integrate it into your lifestyle. In this post I'll be helping you do exactly that and listing 9 Top Intermittent Fasting Tips. Once you’ve had a read of this infographic, please Like, +1, Pin and Tweet it by using the buttons above and below the post. Also, if you want to learn more about intermittent fasting and … [Read more...]
10 Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting
In my last post I looked at six of the main types of intermittent fasting (also known as IF). This style of eating has countless health benefits and can help you lose weight, build muscle, cleanse your body and much more. In this post I'll be taking a more detailed look at the positive impact intermittent fasting can have on your health and listing 10 Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting. Once you've had a read of this infographic, please Like, +1, Pin and Tweet it by using the buttons above and below the post. Also, if you want to learn more about intermittent fasting, make sure you check out … [Read more...]
Benefits Of Exercise Bikes
Hello Everyone. Today’s article is a guest post from Eli Pedelty. ----- As the world grapples with increasing rates of obesity and lifestyle related health problems such as diabetes and heart disease, more and more people are turning to physical fitness programs as a way of staying healthy. A perfect example of a fitness program that really works is the use of exercise bikes. This is simply a bicycle similar to the traditional bike but specifically designed for exercising. However, here are a few things you need to know first before you go online shopping for exercise bikes. There are … [Read more...]
6 Types Of Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting (also known as IF) is a style of eating that involves cycling between periods of fasting and eating. It has become increasingly popular in recent years due to the positive impact it has on weight loss, muscle gain and your overall health. There are a number of ways you can incorporate intermittent fasting into your lifestyle and in this post I'll be listing 6 Types Of Intermittent Fasting. Once you've had a read of this infographic, please Like, +1, Pin and Tweet it by using the buttons above and below the post. Also, if you want to learn more about intermittent fasting … [Read more...]
10 Health Benefits Of Spinning
Spinning is an exercise class that involves cycling at various intensities to music on a specially designed spinning bike. It works off an impressive 700 calories per hour and has countless other health benefits. In this post I'm going to be providing you with a full overview of the positives of spinning and listing 10 Health Benefits Of Spinning. Once you've had a read of this infographic, please Like, +1, Pin and Tweet it by using the buttons above and below this post. Also, if you want to learn more about the health benefits of other popular exercise classes, take a look at the related … [Read more...]
10 Health Benefits Of Stretching
Stretching is an area of fitness that many people neglect. However, by doing this you actually limit your health and fitness progress and miss out on numerous benefits. In this post I'll be taking a detailed look at the plus points of stretching and listing 10 Health Benefits Of Stretching. Once you’ve checked out this infographic, please Like, +1, Pin and Tweet it by using the buttons above and below the post. Also, if you want more information on stretching, check out the related articles below: 6 Dynamic Stretches For Flexibility 6 Static Stretches For Flexibility >>> … [Read more...]
6 Static Stretches For Flexibility
If you're not currently doing some flexibility training as part of your fitness regime, you're missing out. By making an active effort to improve your flexibility, you can become more supple, enjoy a better quality of life, avoid injuries and much more. There are two main types of stretches you can use to improve your flexibility - dynamic stretches and static stretches. Dynamic stretches involve performing simple fluid movements to stretch certain areas of the body whereas static stretches involve holding a fixed stretch to enhance your flexibility. In this post I'm going to be looking at … [Read more...]
6 Dynamic Stretches For Flexibility
Flexibility is an area of fitness that many people ignore. However, by working on your flexibility you can enhance the quality of your day to day life, improve your performance during exercise, protect against injuries and much more. When it comes to improving your flexibility, you have two main options - dynamic stretches and static stretches. Dynamic stretches involve performing simple fluid movements that gently stretch the muscles and joints in specific areas of your body whereas static stretches involve holding a fixed position in order to stretch the muscles and joints in that area of … [Read more...]
9 Top Protein Rich Meats
Meat is one of the most popular and widely consumed protein sources. However, despite its popularity, many people don't take full advantage of this protein rich food group and get almost all their protein from chicken and beef. While these are both very good protein sources, there are so many more high protein meats to try. In this post I'm going to be introducing you to the many protein packed meats that are available and listing 9 Top Protein Rich Meats. Once you've checked out the infographic, please Like, +1, Pin and Tweet it by using the buttons above and below the post. Also, if you … [Read more...]
7 Top Protein Rich Food Groups
Protein is a key macronutrient that's responsible for building, maintaining and repairing all your body's cells. It can be found in a wide range of foods but despite this, many people get their protein from a limited number of sources. In this post I'm going to be addressing this issue and helping you add some variety to your protein intake by listing 7 Top Protein Rich Food Groups. For each protein rich food group, I've listed five of the best food sources, so you get 35 high protein foods to choose from in total. These food groups cover almost every style of eating, so whether you're … [Read more...]