In one of my previous articles I discussed the four types of dietary fat. One of the main conclusions from that article was that saturated fat may not actually be as bad for you as many people believe. In fact recent research suggests it could actually be quite healthy. Today I am going to explore this topic in more detail and take an in depth look at saturated fat. WHAT IS SATURATED FAT? All fats are made from combinations of carbon and hydrogen atoms. The type of chemical bond between these carbon and hydrogen atoms determines the type of fat. Saturated fats (also known as saturated … [Read more...]
What Is Dietary Fat?
In the past I discussed the two macronutrients carbohydrates and protein in detail. Today I want to complete my write up of the three macronutrients and provide an introduction to dietary fat. WHAT IS DIETARY FAT? Dietary fat is probably the media's least popular macronutrient. Everywhere you look people are being advised to consume less fat, buy low fat products or even avoid fat completely. However, despite this negative perception dietary fat is an essential part of your diet. It supplies your body with essential fatty acids (EFAs), provides energy, helps your body absorb certain … [Read more...]
6 Top Dietary Sources Of Protein
My last few articles have focussed on protein, the health benefits you can enjoy by eating it and the disadvantages of consuming too much. However, I have not yet given too much attention to the topic of protein sources. That is why today I want to discuss six of the top dietary sources of protein. All these sources are healthy foods which provide you with more than just protein and if you do not eat them already I would highly recommend that you add them to your diet. 1) EGGS:- Eggs contain around 5.5g of protein each and are relatively low in calories with a medium egg containing … [Read more...]
The Disadvantages Of Consuming Too Much Protein
My last couple of articles have looked at protein and the health benefits it can provide. Although it is a fantastic macronutrient that acts as the building blocks for your body, protein is is not without its faults. Consuming too much protein can cause a number of health problems. In this article I will be discussing some of the potential problems associated with overdosing on protein in greater detail. 1) DEHYDRATION:- According to this study increasing your protein intake can also increase levels of dehydration. The study looked at five endurance athletes who consumed low, moderate and … [Read more...]
The Benefits of Protein
In my last article I looked at protein and touched upon some of the ways it benefits your body. Today I want to expand on this topic and discuss some of the health benefits protein can provide in greater detail. 1) IT BUILDS, MAINTAINS AND REPAIRS CELLS:- Protein is referred to as your body's building blocks for good reason. As you grow your body needs protein to construct every single cell including your bones, your muscles, your skin, your vital organs and your blood vessels. When you are fully grown your body still needs protein to maintain all these cells and also to replace any cells … [Read more...]
What is Protein?
Quite a few of my previous articles have covered protein. However, after looking back at these articles I have decided that I have not given this topic a good enough write up. That is why today I am going to be writing about protein in greater detail. WHAT IS PROTEIN? Protein is one of the three macronutrients that your body depends upon for survival (carbohydrates and fats are the other two). It is constructed from carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen which are arranged as long chains of amino acids. There are 23 amino acids in total and your body requires each one for different … [Read more...]
7 Healthy Carbohydrates That You Should Be Eating Regularly
In my last few articles I have been discussing carbohydrates in detail. I have covered the benefits of consuming the right amount, the disadvantages of consuming too many and the methods to follow when choosing carbohydrates. Today I want to make this advice a little more practical and supply you with seven healthy carbohydrates that you should be eating on a regular basis. 1) APPLES:- Apples are tasty and come in a variety of flavours. They are also small and portable meaning that they can be eaten any time and anywhere. On top of this apples are rich in a number of healthy nutrients … [Read more...]
The Disadvantages Of Consuming Too Many Carbohydrates
My recent series of articles have focussed on carbohydrates. Over the course of these articles I have come to the conclusion that carbohydrates have a number of benefits as long as you choose wisely. However, even if you do choose the right carbohydrates you can still overindulge. Today I am going to be discussing some of the potential drawbacks associated with consuming too many carbohydrates. 1) WEIGHT GAIN:- Carbohydrates are your body's preferred energy source. When you eat any type of carbohydrates your body breaks them down into glucose in the digestive tract. This glucose is then … [Read more...]
The Benefits Of Carbohydrates
In my last few articles I have been focussing on carbohydrates. I started by explaining exactly what they are and then covered a number of related topics including the glycemic index and the steps you should take when choosing your carbohydrates. In this article I am going to cover the benefits that carbohydrates can provide. 1) THEY ARE AN EXCELLENT ENERGY SOURCE:- The primary function of carbohydrates is to provide your body with energy. When you ingest any form of carbohydrate (whether it be pure sugar, whole grain bread or a piece of fruit) it is broken down into glucose in the … [Read more...]
5 Top Tips To Consider When Choosing Carbohydrates
In my last couple of articles I discussed carbohydrates and the glycemic index (GI). In my article on carbohydrates I discussed the different types and came to the conclusion that you should choose slow digesting, nutritionally dense carbohydrates where possible. In the following article I looked at the glycemic index as a potential tool for selecting carbohydrates and came to the conclusion that whilst it is a useful starting point, it is flawed and is not something you should fully base your diet around. In this article I will be bringing this information together and providing you with … [Read more...]