Hello everyone. Today’s guest post comes from Steven Barker who regularly reviews acne treatments on his website Acne Treatment One. ----- Many acne sufferers have noticed a connection between environmental factors like stress, diet, humidity, skin care products and their acne breakouts. There has been some indirect evidence connecting these environmental factors to acne, but until recently there were very few hard facts to back it up. In 2003, a study linked acne breakouts in college students to stress over upcoming exams whilst a 2007 Australian study showed a direct correlation … [Read more...]
Diet Tips to Increase Your Energy
Hello everyone. Today’s guest post comes from James Harper who writes on behalf of Which Acai Berry? ----- The phrase "sick and tired of being sick and tired" is only a cliché because we hear it so much, and like any other clichés there's a lot of truth to it. Many of us do struggle with finding the energy to do our day to day tasks. What if there were a way to get more energy by improving your diet? There are some great super foods, such as the Acai berry that can help put a spring back in your step. As a bonus, there's even an Acai berry weight loss diet - perfect for getting in shape … [Read more...]
The Top 4 Rules of Gym Etiquette
Hello everyone. Today’s guest post comes from Leslie Johnson, who writes about health, green living and parenting related articles at MastersInHealthCare.com. ----- It's the summer and those that didn't get a head start on their sculpted bodies in the spring will start to do so now—or will at least attempt to dive into a new workout regime in the fall. But just because the gym/fitness club is a place where it's OK to sweat, stink, and grunt and or wear skimpy workout clothing doesn't mean that there aren't certain rules that you must follow. With that said, to learn the top 4 gym … [Read more...]
How To Find The Right Personal Trainer
Hello everyone. Today’s guest post comes from Scott Grey who provides health and fitness tips for beginners at Fitness Tips 101. ----- Some individuals need the help, education, and motivation that a personal trainer can provide. If you know that you operate better with the guidance of an expert to encourage you, you should consider enlisting the assistance of a personal trainer. There are a growing number of trainers certified by one organization or another. How do you know who will work best with you? Keep these factors in mind when searching for your personal … [Read more...]
Balance and Mobility at ANY Age
Hello everyone. Today’s guest post comes from Scott Cole - America's Premier Wellness Expert. ----- We often associate ageing with lack of movement, debilitation, and planned body obsolescence. Don’t buy into it. In my 25 years of working with ageing populations, I know that progress can be made at any age, and the mind working WITH the body has EVERYTHING to do with it. I always lovingly “threaten” my classes and clients that I am going to wear a t-shirt that says: “BREATHE and BEND YOUR KNEES.” It’s true. Lack of breathing blocks your “Chi” (energy) from moving through your … [Read more...]
Protein Supplements and Muscle Building
Hello everyone. Today’s article is a guest post from Predator Nutrition who sell a range of competitively priced protein supplements on their website. ----- A bewildering array of different types of dietary sports supplements are available online and in specialist shops these days, all of them claiming to help boost and quicken muscle development in weightlifters, bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts. So what are the best products on the market? First of all, instead of “what is the best product?” a better would be: “what is the best product for me?” Bodybuilding supplements help … [Read more...]
Proper Recovery After A Difficult Workout
Hello everyone. Today’s article is a guest post from Bob Mauer who shares his thoughts on health and fitness at his personal blog; http://acehealth.org ----- After a vigorous workout, all you want to do is relax and forget about exercise for the rest of the day. Unfortunately, it is this kind of thinking that causes pain and soreness for a day or more after the initial workout. Since soreness can prevent you from keeping a steady exercise program, it’s critical that you learn exactly what causes muscle pain and what you can do to prevent it. In order to successfully continue a healthy … [Read more...]
6 Tips For Great Weight Loss Motivation
Hello everyone. Today’s article is a guest post from Stefan Edlund. On his website Stefan offers visitors a free report on How To Lose Weight Fast. ----- You have decided that you are going to lose weight, you have found a great training program and diet to follow, and you feel motivated and ready. So the first week goes fine and you follow your program. Then the next week comes along, and you maybe start to miss a few of your exercise routines, and start to cheat on your diet. And then the third week comes, and you have lost all your motivation for training and eating right, and … [Read more...]
Top 9 Pre-Workout Foods
Hello everyone. Today’s guest post comes from Lisa Shoreland - a resident blogger at GoCollege which is an excellent online guide for students. ----- Whether you’re the type of person who works out two to three times a day, or if you’re a working Mom hoping to sneak in a quick fitness routine before or after work, what you eat before you exercise ultimately determines the quality of your workout. Some experts believe that protein is the “ultimate pre-workout fuel food,” while others believe it is carbohydrates; because of this it is important to experiment and find out which foods … [Read more...]
How To Use Carbs To Manipulate Your Body Into Extreme Fat Loss Mode
Hello everyone. Today’s guest post comes from Johnny Palmer from How To Lose Body Fat Fast. ----- Carbs, protein, fats, vitamins, minerals... All of these are essential in the right amounts to a good, healthy diet - but what is the most important for fat loss? That is like asking what is more important to a human - the skin, the brain, the lungs, the blood... They are all equally important to fat loss, because if your body is not in perfect harmony, then it is not in a state to lose body fat - in fact it will cling to fat the less nourished you are. This is brutally (and sadly) … [Read more...]