Hello everyone. Today’s guest post comes from Steven Barker who regularly reviews acne treatments on his website Acne Treatment One. ----- Many acne sufferers have noticed a connection between environmental factors like stress, diet, humidity, skin care products and their acne breakouts. There has been some indirect evidence connecting these environmental factors to acne, but until recently there were very few hard facts to back it up. In 2003, a study linked acne breakouts in college students to stress over upcoming exams whilst a 2007 Australian study showed a direct correlation … [Read more...]
Natural Acne Prevention Tips
Hello everyone. Today’s guest post comes from Liza Steven who is an expert on acne and skin health. She has had her work published on various websites including Quick Acne Remedy. ----- A majority of people get natural acne at some point in their lives; this can be a result of hormonal shifts especially during adolescence or something passed on through the genes. Other factors might include unhealthy hygiene and lifestyle. The best way to solve the problem is to find ways to prevent natural acne rather than finding short cut treatments that do not show improvement in the long … [Read more...]
How to Treat Acne with Different Medications
Hello everyone. Today's article is a guest post from Nick who is an expert in skin health writing specifically on the subject of acne. His website http://www.quickacneremedy.com/ provides acne treatment medications. ----- Acne has hundreds of medications, and it’s only some of them that works, where as others don’t. The reason being most people have different levels of acne and suffer differently. Acne occurs in a variety of ways in people. Some get light, temporary pimples for which a simple solution like benzoyl peroxide would be affective, whereas others suffer from severe, … [Read more...]