Hello Everyone. Today’s post is from Alphega Pharmacies. ----- Summer is one of the best times of the year to work on your fitness. The warm, clear, sunny weather provides you with the perfect environment for exercising outdoors. In addition to this, the large amounts of sunshine provide you with plenty of vitamin D. Finally, it's a time of year when some of the tastiest, most delicious fruits and vegetables come into season. The infographic below from Alphega Pharmacies contains more information on this topic and discusses some top tips you can use to shape up for summer. … [Read more...]
Student Drivers: How to Stay Fit & Healthy Whilst Enjoying The Freedom Of Driving
Hello Everyone. Today’s article is a content contribution from Debbie Fletcher. ----- Driving does not only enable you to travel more easily and quickly from one place to another; it can also be an enjoyable recreational activity. If you are one of those who enjoys driving, it is important that you try to stay fit and healthy, so that you can indulge in your favourite pastime more frequently. While driving does not require much physical effort, you need to stay focused at all times to minimise the risk of accidents. This is especially important if you are not an experienced driver. Here … [Read more...]
Dealing With Sports Injuries
Hello Everyone. Today’s article is a guest post. ----- Getting stuck into sports can be great for your health. However, these activities aren’t without their risks and whenever you exert yourself, there is a chance you will sustain physical damage of some sort. The most common types of injury are relatively minor and include things like cuts, grazes, bruises and blisters. However, in some cases the damage is more serious. For example, it’s possible to suffer pain and swelling to the muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons, joints and cartilage. The Causes The causes of sports injuries … [Read more...]
The Importance Of A Good Night’s Sleep
Hello Everyone. Today’s article is contributed by David. ----- Getting a good night's sleep is often easier said than done. We all lead busy lives and when there's so much to do, sleep tends to get sacrificed in favour of getting through the tasks of the day. And although this is understandable, we need to be aware that scrimping on sleep is a bad idea. So why is sleep so important? The hours we spend asleep in bed are the precious downtime our bodies need in order to carry out maintenance and repair work on our systems. Cell renewal and replacement occur as we sleep, so it doesn't … [Read more...]
Top 3 Gadgets To Help You Get Fit This Summer
The summer is here and if you are planning to get fit and trim your waistline, then there are many ways to do this from running, swimming, cycling to even getting a membership at your local gym. Many gadgets out there can help you in keep track of the progress you made along your fitness journey. Here are three gadgets that are worth getting: 1. Mio Cyclo 105 The Mio Cyclo can be your everyday cycling training companion, as it will help you in becoming a physical better person. It is your personal navigation guide as it will easily navigate you from point A to B and will follow your … [Read more...]
Why Should You Incorporate Gym Time Into Your Summer Fitness Routine?
Hello Everyone. Today’s article is a guest post from Hertsmere Leisure. ----- Summer is here and you want to get fit. So, let’s think: you could go for run, a swim in the sea or kick a football around in the park. It’s nearly time for Wimbledon – how about tennis? Well, if only the sun was shining. Here’s the reality: we live in Britain, not Miami. So how do we make that miracle – whether it’s that beach body you've always craved or just better physical shape – happen? Exercise is life changing. It fires up the feel-good chemicals and, as any psychologist will tell you, that’s … [Read more...]
5 Great Ways To Stay Healthy
Hello Everyone. Today’s article is a guest post from Adam Howes. ----- The poet and writer James Leigh Hunt once said that “the groundwork of all happiness is health.” In France, they were a little more severe, with the Renaissance humanist Francois Rabelais saying: “Without health, life is not life; it is only a state of languor and suffering.” Oh, those cheery Frenchmen. However, both thinkers were very much right, and their words highlight just how important staying healthy is to our quality of life in general. That being said, good health does not just stop at the physical; mental … [Read more...]
Working Nights? Five Ways to Improve Your Sleep
Hello Everyone. Today’s article is a guest post from the Sleep Foundation. ----- Many call it the toughest shift to work, but unfortunately for some it’s one they have to soldier through. Simply managing to get through a night shift is no mean feat, but how do you recoup when your sleep cycle has been thrown out of its natural rhythm? This article seeks to help those struggling to get the sleep they deserve after a hard night’s work. Chronic insomnia can be crippling, so even if you’re not on the night shift it might be worth reading up on these tips to improve your sleep. 1. Shut … [Read more...]
How To Get A Six Pack Infographic
Hello Everyone. The following infographic is from Newitts. ----- Six pack abs are something that many people strive for but very few manage to achieve. Not only do they look great but they also provide you with the core strength and stability that's required to perform other exercises effectively, improve your posture and prevent lower back pain. This infographic provides you with all the tools you need to chisel your midsection and start to develop washboard abs and explains How To Get A Six Pack. Brought to you by Newitts … [Read more...]
Science Of Sleep Infographic
Hello Everyone. The following infographic is from FADS.co.uk. ----- Sleep is something the vast majority of people ignore when it comes to their health and fitness. However, if you want to enjoy optimal health and fitness, you needed to be getting at least 6 hours of quality sleep per night. By doing this you can enhance your physical performance, improve your memory, lose weight, lower your stress levels and much more. This post explains why sleep is so important by delving into the research behind it and looking at the Science Of Sleep. … [Read more...]