One thing that Christmas brings with it every year is cold weather. The positive side of this is that it gives you the opportunity to try some new hot beverages. Whilst hot chocolate and mulled wine are popular festive choices, today I am going to be looking at the more traditional hot drink tea. Tea has numerous health benefits and also contains zero calories which means it can help prevent you from piling on the Christmas pounds. Below I will be discussing 5 healthy teas that you can try this Christmas. 1) BLACK TEA:- Black tea is the most popular form of tea. In fact I know very few … [Read more...]
5 Low Calorie Christmas Food Substitutes
With Christmas on the horizon you may think that healthy eating is going to take a back seat until the New Year. Chocolate, Christmas pudding and mince pies are not what many would consider healthy foods and they are certainly not low in calories. However, if you make a few smart substitutions over the festive period you can sneak in some healthy foods whilst still enjoying the Christmas treats. Today I am going to help you do just that with a list of 5 low calorie Christmas food substitutes. 1) CLOTTED CREAM > NATURAL YOGURT:- Clotted cream is a popular side dish at Christmas. When … [Read more...]
Turkey: A Healthy Festive Food
Turkey is the traditional meat used for Christmas dinner. The history of this festive food dates back to 1526 when William Strickland introduced this meat to the UK. Following this introduction the popularity of turkey has skyrocketed and during Christmas 2008 approximately 10 million turkeys were consumed in the UK. The good news is that turkey is popular for a reason. Not only is it tasty but it is also extremely healthy. That's why today I am going to be taking a detailed look at this festive meat and the health benefits it can provide. WHAT IS THE HISTORY OF TURKEY? Turkey was … [Read more...]
Lecithin Explained
Hello everyone. Today’s guest post comes from Monique Muro who promotes AllDaySlim - a natural dietary supplement which can also improve energy levels and support proper sleep patterns. —– Doctors and scientists have waffled about the benefits of lecithin for years. While some scientists agree the lipid material can improve memory, metabolism, liver and cognitive function, cholesterol levels, fat transport, and protect cell membranes, others tout that lecithin studies have ultimately been inconclusive. Benefits of Lecithin At its core, lecithin is a multi-functional lipid … [Read more...]
Achieve Peak Health and Fitness with the Raw Food Diet!
Hello everyone. Today’s article is a guest post from Shane Quigley - the features editor from - a fantastic, free online weight loss and slimming magazine which has some excellent content provided by qualified physicians and nutritionists. —– The raw food diet is becoming increasingly popular as more and more people are striving to become healthier and lose weight with a natural approach. Eating raw foods might sound odd at first, but it’s believed that cooking foods above certain temperatures kills important enzymes and just as importantly takes the “life force” out of … [Read more...]
How To Cook the Perfect Christmas Turkey
Turkey has become the most popular Christmas meat with over 10 million turkeys being consumed in the UK each year over the festive period. But just how do you cook the perfect Christmas turkey? Follow the instructions below and you won't go wrong. INGREDIENTS: - A 14 pound (lb)/6.5 kilogram (kg) turkey (this will feed about 12 people). - 175 grams (g) of butter (this will need to be adjusted if you have a different sized turkey). - 3.5 litres (ltr) of stuffing (this will need to be adjusted if you have a different sized turkey). - 4 cups of water or turkey stock. - Salt. - Ground … [Read more...]
Keep Yourself Fighting Fit This Christmas
As we approach the end of the year, Christmas is not far away. Unfortunately, in terms of fitness, Christmas can be a potential minefield. Alcohol always seems to be flowing, the weather is cold, dark and icy (making you less likely to want to leave the comfort of your own home to exercise), high calorie treats are everywhere you turn and parties seem to be happening every other day. However, with the right advice you can still maintain a fitness routine during the festive period. That's why today I am going to be looking back at some of my previous Christmas posts and outlining how you … [Read more...]
25 Top Micromineral Health Benefits
The microminerals receive very little publicity when it comes to heatlhy eating. However, each one is essential for good health and should be included as part of your diet. In this article I will be discussing exactly how they benefit your health and providing 25 of the top macromineral benefits. 1) ANTIOXIDANT BENEFITS:- Antioxidants are nutrients which protect your body from free radicals (harmful by-products of oxygen based reactions that cause oxidative damage). Oxidative damage has been linked with a number of health problems including cancer, diabetes and a weak immune system. … [Read more...]
The 17 Microminerals Explained
In my latest selection of articles I have been covering the microminerals individually. Today I will be bringing all the information from these articles together and summarising the 17 microminerals, the ways they benefit your health, the richest food sources and the adverse effects of both deficiency and overdose. WHAT ARE MICROMINERALS? The microminerals are 17 minerals that your body requires in very small quantities (hence the term 'micro'). They are part of the micronutrient family (a group of nutrients which includes minerals and vitamins). Micronutrients are different to … [Read more...]
Is it Harmless to Get Rid of Weight with Herbal Pills?
Hello everyone. Today's article is a guest post from Jennica who guest blogs for a number of different sites on a variety of different health and fitness topics. ----- Herbal pills can help in natural obesity control by reducing appetite and boosting metabolism, but is it harmless to use? Are the so-called natural ingredients used in herbal pills safe? Diet pills are immensely popular with people around the word, including well-known celebrities. Most have taken diet pills while giving a shot at losing weight easily instead of facing the ache of physical fitness exercise along with … [Read more...]