The microminerals are 17 essential nutrients that your body needs in relatively small amounts to function effectively. Failing to stick to the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for any of the microminerals can have a number of unpleasant side effects. Today I am going to help you avoid any potential negative side effects and discuss how much of each micromineral you should consume. 1) ARSENIC RDA:- There is currently no official RDA for arsenic but most sources suggest an intake of between 0.125 milligrams (mg) and 0.025mg per day is adequate. Tolerable Upper Limit (TUL):- There is … [Read more...]
10 Fantastic Micromineral Food Sources
The microminerals are 17 nutrients that are required by your body in amounts of less than 100 milligrams (mg) per day. Despite the small serving size, they have numerous health benefits in the body and it is essential that you make them part of your diet. Today I am here to help you do just that with a detailed list of 10 micromineral food sources. 1) ALMONDS Almonds are a great, natural snack food which are packed full of nutrients. They can be eaten on their own, as part of a dried fruit and nut mix or even fried and served with seafood. Almonds have antioxidant properties and protect … [Read more...]
25 Negative Symptoms Of Micromineral Deficiency
The microminerals are a selection of 17 nutrients that your body needs in relatively small amounts (generally less than 100 milligrams (mg) per day). Getting the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of each one has countless benefits and supports all round good health. Unfortunately failing to meet these RDAs can have the opposite effect and negatively affect your health. In this article I will be discussing 25 of the negative symptoms of micromineral deficiency and also discussing how you can avoid them. 1) BLOOD PROBLEMS:- Being deficient in certain microminerals can cause a variety of … [Read more...]
19 Negative Side Effects Of Micromineral Overdose
The microminerals are a selection of 17 nutrients that your body requires in relatively small amounts (generally less than 100 milligrams (mg) per day). Consuming the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of each one helps support almost every process in your body and is highly beneficial to your health. However, consuming too much can have the opposite effect and be very damaging to your health. In this article I will be discussing 19 of the negative side effects of micromineral overdose and also outlining how you can avoid overdosing on the microminerals. 1) BLOOD PROBLEMS:- Eating too … [Read more...]
Salmon: The Ultimate Superfood
Edward Stern is a guest blogger for An Apple a Day and a writer on earning your nursing degree online for the Guide to Health Education. ----- Fads come and go, and many foods that have been tagged as "superfood" are eventually shown to be less than heroic. However, one superfood that lives up to its billing is salmon. A delicious time-tested favorite of fish lovers, salmon also has amazing health benefits, so much so that the FDA is currently considering allowing genetically modified salmon to hit the market so the price of salmon will go down and more people will able to consume it. … [Read more...]
The Health Benefits of an Alkaline Diet
Hello everyone. Today’s article is a guest post from Maria Rainier who is a freelance writer and blog junkie. She currently writes for which provides free advice on how to get the most out of college. ----- The Health Benefits of an Alkaline Diet When you think of a balanced diet, you probably see images of meals prepared using every element in the food pyramid. And that’s a great place to start since everyone’s bodies need the variety of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients found in different foods. But there’s another kind of balance that’s often ignored … [Read more...]
5 Smart New Years Eve Drink Substitutes
With New Years Eve celebrations going on up and down the country you are likely to be drinking quite a bit of alcohol tonight. Unfortunately, at 7 calories per gram alcohol is one of the most calorie rich food groups out there. Drinking just 4 double Jack Daniels and Cokes, 4 pints of Stella or 5 standard 275 millilitre (ml) bottles of WKD can add over 1,000 calories to your daily consumption. Fortunately, if you make some smart drink substitutions you can minimise the amount of extra calories you consume. That is why today I am going to list 5 calorie saving New Years Eve drink … [Read more...]
Oranges: A Festive Fruit That Can Be Enjoyed All Year Round
Oranges are a fruit that have been traditionally associated with Christmas due to the legend of St Nicholas (270 A.D.-347 A.D.). More recently this tradition has become weaker and oranges are now eaten all year round. In this article I will be providing a full breakdown of this festive fruit. WHAT IS THE HISTORY OF ORANGES? Oranges are believed to have been grown in China as early as 2500 B.C. However, they were not introduced to England until 1290 A.D. when a Spanish ship full of oranges arrived at Southampton. Oranges were considered a luxury fruit until the start of the 20th … [Read more...]
5 Low Calorie Alcoholic Drinks To Consume This Christmas & New Year
When it comes to Christmas and New Year, low calorie alcoholic drinks can do wonders for your waistline. After all, alcohol is not the healthiest of drink choices. It contains 7 calories per gram making it the most calorie rich food group behind dietary fats (which contain 9 calories per gram). It also contains no vitamins or minerals, hence the reason the calories in alcohol are often referred to as “empty calories”. However, the reality is that most people (even those who lead a relatively healthy lifestyle) enjoy alcohol to some degree. With the Christmas holidays now in full swing and … [Read more...]
5 High Calorie Alcoholic Drinks To Avoid This Christmas & New Year
In an ideal world we would completely abstain from alcohol. However, the reality is that many people who lead a healthy lifestyle enjoy the odd drink (myself included). With Christmas and the New Year fast approaching you are likely to be consuming much more alcohol than normal. Unfortunately, only dietary fats (at 9 calories per gram) contain more calories than alcohol (at 7 calories per gram), making it one of the highest calorie beverages available. If you are not careful all the extra alcohol you consume over Christmas and New Year can quickly turn into excess holiday pounds. Today I … [Read more...]