Hello Everyone. Today’s article is a guest post from Hidden Hearing. ----- Living with hearing loss can be difficult but there's a lot of help available. First of all you need to acknowledge the reality of your situation as you can take steps to minimise further hearing loss. It's not easy but it's important to accept it and learn how to cope with adapting to living with a loss of hearing. Hearing Aids These have come a long way in the last few years. Just take a look at Hidden Hearing, a company that offers hearing aids that are barely visible. There's a lot of support available to … [Read more...]
The Importance Of Having Regular Hearing Tests
Hello Everyone. Today’s article is a guest post from Debbie Fletcher. ----- Around 10 million people living in Britain suffer from some form of hearing impairment, ranging from mild symptoms to total loss of hearing. Left untreated - which sadly is often the case - it can cause significant problems, not least to our psychological well-being, as it affects the way we interact with other people in every environment. Why Don’t People Deal With Hearing Problems? There may be many reasons - embarrassment; not wanting to make a fuss; worries about the cost of an operation, or just hoping it … [Read more...]