Worrying is part of everyday life and it is inevitable that sometimes we will start to feel anxious about certain areas of our lives. By worrying it shows that we care about our personal well being and are giving it serious thought. For example, by worrying about our performance at work it shows that we want to excel in this area.
However, for some people worry becomes a serious mental affliction and starts to take over their lives. They live with constant misplaced worry and anxiety over just about any possible scenario such as; the things people say and do, the things people may do to them, what will happen if their spouse leaves them or dies and more. When the worrying gets to this level it has developed from a natural symptom of everyday life to a problem that needs to be dealt with.
There is an old saying that you should be happy and not worried. It sounds uncomplicated but it really can be the basis of a stress free life if we explore it a little further. Lets say you have a debt problem. Is there any point getting worked up about it? Instead of worrying about the actual problem wouldn’t it be more productive to try and come up with a solution? If you are in a positive state of mind the solution will come to you whereas being in a state of high anxiety will damage you both mentally and physically, plus it will not help eradicate the problem. The problem is there, whether you like it or not, so it makes sense to find a way to still be happy and appreciate all the good things you have in life such as friends and family. When you begin to generate happy thoughts, happy solutions will start to appear. This is the promise of the law of attraction – that which you desire you will attract accordingly.
Worrying too much can even create a problem which did not originally exist. For example, if you are constantly worrying about your job security this could lead to you becoming unemployed because you have developed a negative attitude or your people skills have suffered. You would lose your job because YOU anticipated it and then YOU made it happen by worrying. Instead of worrying about job security you could think positively about your job performance and look at how you could improve your interactions with people, perform your work to a higher standard and be more confident in the job. By thinking positively you are likely to improve your standard of work which will indirectly improve your job security. Contrastingly, worrying can have a detrimental effect on your job performance and in the worst cases lead to you losing your job.
If you look to the past and remember all the times you have worried, how much good has it actually done you? Worry is a baseless fear that will stop you from leading a happy life. Life is for living – not worrying. The secret to a happy life is creating harmony in your environment and anxiety does not promote harmony. You should always live in the present and plan for the future, but do not let the future control you. If you make a choice to accept your problems and not worry about them you will place yourself in a much more positive state of mind and in turn be more likely to find a realistic solution. It sounds simple, but both worry and happiness are states of mind which you have full control over. If you make the right mental choice, then you will open the door to a happy, fulfilling, stress free life.