Don’t worry. This isn’t going to be one of those articles that sucks the life out of you just before the happiest day of your life. This is losing the weight without losing your marbles. Yep, it exists.
Getting married certainly is an experience; with massive highs come the gaping lows too. For example, the planning of the wedding itself isn’t exactly everyone’s cup of tea. In fact, most of us have that one overly organisational friend who is perfect for planning; it’s what he or she was built to do! But if you’re without (or happen to be THAT said friend and are already hitting your limit) then the wedding site directory has the tools readily at your disposal. Online is your perfect wedding resource (what did brides and grooms to be do without it!) and that’s exactly why you’re here. So without further ado, here are ways to keep fit for your wedding:
Give Yourself Time
Firstly, DON’T leave it to the last minute to cram this in. If you want the best results (that will exceed waaaay past your wedding day too), give it about six months at least. When you start planning your wedding, you should start planning your regime. Very organised we know, but so much healthier for you.
Spreading it over a longer period also means you’re not rushing but producing manageable regimes you can complete. Easier exercising equals a happier you. That weight and toning will be maintained for longer too.
A Diet Change
Exercise alone won’t give you the BEST results. You need to combine this with a healthy and exciting diet (no naff milkshakes only diets in sight!).
One study has shown that adding a bit of spice in your life can aid in losing weight by boosting your metabolism and burning far more calories. And yes, you’ve probably already realised we’re on about chilli and peppers, not the Spice Girls Greatest Hits. Load up on the jalapeños and stock up on the spices as it has been proven that eating, say, a soup with added spice from peppers and such can burn an extra 10 calories, and those mount up.
Another simple way is to just cut down on those portions. We aren’t ones to turn down a decent meal, or waste food, so smaller portions is one of the easiest ways to tell your subconscious, food time is over. This is made even easier if you invest in some new kitchen equipment. Brand new plates equal a brand new frame of mind. Just make absolutely positive the size is smaller than your usual yet enough to fill you up so you don’t snack on those sugary temptations. This will give the illusion of a fuller tummy too. Your illusion of a fuller tummy will lead to a FLATTER tummy. See what we did there…
Tone Up!
As well as the usual cardio, toning up will aid you in losing further weight and keep you trim.
Why not join an exercise class? They’re such an effective way to tone; you often don’t know you’re doing it! Lifting weights and squats are all very strenuous whilst a class with your friend combines fitness with fun. In fact, your bridesmaids and groomsmen will be having similar body image pressure issues so why not use a fun class to get fit together, have a release from wedding planning and it breaks the ice with any friends and family who haven’t met.
In terms of the class, you have a number of options. Body combat mixes martial arts with aerobics to help improve your posture, burn calories and tone. Boxerise (a mix between boxing and aerobics) helps tone arms and shoulders whilst keeping your body tempo up. Pilates and yoga focus on your core body strength and can have a lovely calming effect, perfect for relieving wedding day stress and nerves. You have so many options!
Losing weight for your wedding day ISN’T going to make you a better bride, but if you wish to get fit and keep fit, this could open the door to many exercising possibilities. It will also give you that confidence on a day where YOU’RE the centre of attention…whether you like it or not.