If you find that you’re inconsistent with your health and fitness goals, an accountability partner is a brilliant idea. By having an accountability partner, you not only get to have someone who will support you on your health and fitness journey but you also give yourself an extra incentive not to slack off.
To find an accountability partner, start by asking any of your friends or family members if they would be interested. It’s very likely that you’ll find many willing accountability partners this way. Alternatively, if you can’t find any willing friends or family members, ask around at the gym or put an advert up on the gym noticeboard and you’ll get plenty of willing volunteers.
Once you’ve found an accountability partner, put together a training schedule that suits you both and start exercising together. By training together, you hold each other accountable and are much less likely to skip workouts. In addition to this, you can give each other motivation and support and ensure that you’re both making consistent progress with your health and fitness goals.
The links below provide you with plenty of exercise ideas you can do with your accountability partner. So once you’ve found an accountability partner, have a look and see if any of the ideas listed below take your fancy.
Further Reading:
1) 30 Minute Partner Balance Workout:- A fun, effective balance workout that you can do with your accountability partner.
2) 9 Fun Family Exercise Ideas You Can Try:- A list of nine fun exercise suggestions that you can do which are perfect if you make a family member your accountability partner.
3) Top 5 Calorie Burning Team Sports:- A collection of five calorie burning team sports that are perfect if you and your accountability partner are sports fans.