Push ups are an excellent bodyweight exercise which strengthen and tone your upper body. They’re also a great calorie burner when performed quickly and blast through an impressive 545 calories per hour (based on a 68kg/150lb person). However, the best thing about push ups is that they require absolutely no equipment which makes them highly versatile and allows you to perform them any time and anywhere.
To perform a push up, kneel on the floor and put your hands on the floor in front of you about a shoulder width apart. Then straighten your legs out behind you, bring your knees off the floor and hold your core muscles tight. Once you’ve got your body in position, slowly bend your arms and lower your body down until your nose touches the floor. Then slowly straighten your arms, raise your body back up to the starting position and repeat.
The links below provide you with lots of extra information on push ups and a wide range of other bodyweight exercises. So if you want to make push ups and other bodyweight exercises part of your fitness routine, take a look and start implementing these exercises today.
Further Reading:
1) 30 Minute At Home Bodyweight Workout:- A fast but effective bodyweight workout that tones and strengthens all the muscles in your body. It includes push ups along with five other bodyweight exercises.
2) An Introduction To Bodyweight Training:- An article which does exactly as the title suggests and introduces you to bodyweight training and its benefits.
3) Bodyweight Soccer Sprints:- An innovative, effective bodyweight exercise that gives you a full cardio and strength workout. All you need is a set of soccer goals.
4) 12 Weightless Workouts You Can Try:- A 12 part bodyweight workout that boosts your flexibility and strength.