When it comes to Christmas dinner healthy eating is usually the last thing on people's mind. However, with a little thought and preparation you can start the meal in a healthy way whilst still enjoying the foods you eat. That is why today I am giving you a list of four healthy Christmas dinner starters. 1) HOMEMADE SOUP:- Soup is a popular starter to many meals and Christmas dinner is no exception. However, the problem is most people go for canned soup which often contain high levels of sodium and are full of chemicals. Fortunately, this problem can be solved by making your own … [Read more...]
20 Health Benefits Of Dietary Fat
In my last few articles I have been focussing on dietary fats. Until recently dietary fats were seen as the macronutrient to avoid. They have been associated with heart disease, obesity and many other negative health conditions. However, this common perception of dietary fats could not be further from the truth. With the exception of trans fats, dietary fats support your body in performing many vital functions, offer protection for your cells and promote optimal health. In this article I want to expand on this topic further and provide you with a comprehensive list of the many benefits of … [Read more...]
What Are Trans Fats?
In my recent articles I have been discussing dietary fats. So far I have covered the three naturally occurring types of fat which are saturated fat, monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat. Today I am going to cover the fourth and final type of fat – the man made trans fat. WHAT ARE TRANS FATS? All fats are made from a combination of carbon and hydrogen atoms. The two main types are saturated fats and unsaturated fats (which can be broken down further into monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats). With saturated fats all the carbon atoms are bonded to (or 'saturated' with) … [Read more...]
What Is Polyunsaturated Fat?
Recently I have been taking an in-depth look at dietary fats. So far I have covered saturated fats and monounsaturated fats. Today I am going to be looking at polyunsaturated fats in greater detail. WHAT IS POLYUNSATURATED FAT? Fats are all made from a chain of carbon and hydrogen atoms. With saturated fats all the carbon atoms are bonded to hydrogen atoms. With unsaturated fats there are one or more double bonds between the carbon atoms which prevent them from being fully bonded to hydrogen atoms. So in other words saturated fats are 'saturated' with hydrogen atoms whilst unsaturated … [Read more...]
What Is Monounsaturated Fat?
In my recent articles I have been focussing on dietary fat. Today I want to discuss monounsaturated fat in a little bit more detail. WHAT IS MONOUNSATURATED FAT? All fats are constructed from a chain of carbon and hydrogen atoms. The way these atoms are chemically bonded together decides which type of fat it will be. With monounsaturated fats (also known as monounsaturated fatty acids or MUFAs) the carbon atoms are bonded to hydrogen atoms at all but one point. At this one point there is a double bond between two of the carbon atoms. So in other words the carbon atoms are not fully … [Read more...]
What Is Saturated Fat?
In one of my previous articles I discussed the four types of dietary fat. One of the main conclusions from that article was that saturated fat may not actually be as bad for you as many people believe. In fact recent research suggests it could actually be quite healthy. Today I am going to explore this topic in more detail and take an in depth look at saturated fat. WHAT IS SATURATED FAT? All fats are made from combinations of carbon and hydrogen atoms. The type of chemical bond between these carbon and hydrogen atoms determines the type of fat. Saturated fats (also known as saturated … [Read more...]
What Is Dietary Fat?
In the past I discussed the two macronutrients carbohydrates and protein in detail. Today I want to complete my write up of the three macronutrients and provide an introduction to dietary fat. WHAT IS DIETARY FAT? Dietary fat is probably the media's least popular macronutrient. Everywhere you look people are being advised to consume less fat, buy low fat products or even avoid fat completely. However, despite this negative perception dietary fat is an essential part of your diet. It supplies your body with essential fatty acids (EFAs), provides energy, helps your body absorb certain … [Read more...]
Be Healthily Ripped and Buff: Five Nutrition Tips for Getting those Six Pack Abs
Hello everyone. Today's article is a guest post from Nick Clipton who manages and writes for the weight gain blog: http://www.buildingbodymuscles.com/. Nick's blog contains lots of fantastic muscle building information and also reviews many of the top body building programs so feel free to check it out after you have finished reading. ----- If there's one area in the body which is considered to be a chore in any workout routine, that is none other than the abdominal area. Nobody welcomes the thought of having to spend endless hours doing crunches, sit-ups and other stomach-targeting … [Read more...]
6 Top Dietary Sources Of Protein
My last few articles have focussed on protein, the health benefits you can enjoy by eating it and the disadvantages of consuming too much. However, I have not yet given too much attention to the topic of protein sources. That is why today I want to discuss six of the top dietary sources of protein. All these sources are healthy foods which provide you with more than just protein and if you do not eat them already I would highly recommend that you add them to your diet. 1) EGGS:- Eggs contain around 5.5g of protein each and are relatively low in calories with a medium egg containing … [Read more...]
Tips to Eating Healthy on the Run
Hello everyone. Today's article is a guest post from Lisa Burzdack who offers a great selection of cookware at her website Wayfair.co.uk. If you are in need of some new pots and pans or just looking to purchase some great value cookware I highly recommend you check out Lisa's store after reading her excellent guest article. ----- I think most of us are familiar with the age old advice you get from parents and doctors time and time again, more fruits and vegetables. The truth is, you aren’t being misled. Let me throw one more in there for fun, exercise and maintain a balanced diet. Whew, … [Read more...]