When people see food labels such as ‘All Natural’, ‘Fat Free’ or ‘Made With Real Fruit’, they often believe the food they’re buying is good for their health. Unfortunately, what these labels suggest and what they actually mean are very often two completely different things. The FDA have very loose rules when it comes to the labelling of health foods and many food manufacturers use this to their advantage and put statements on the labels that make these foods appear much healthier than they actually are.
The good news is that if you know what to look out for, even the most deceptive food labels won’t fool you. That’s why in this post I’ve put together a list of the Top 10 Misleading Healthy Food Labels. If you see any of these statements on the labels of foods that you’re considering buying, be very wary and take a close look at the ingredients list before making your purchase.
After you’ve taken a look at the infographic, please Like, +1, Pin and Tweet it by using the buttons above and below the post. Also, if there are any additional misleading food labels that you think should be on the list, please leave a comment and let me know what they are.