Modern life can be very stressful and high blood pressure is one of the related problems faced by modern people. Tensions is a major factor behind increases in blood pressure. However, there are certain ways that blood pressure can be controlled.
To begin remedying high blood pressure you need to understand what the exact problem is. High blood pressure can originate many years before symptoms begin to show. If not treated properly, at the right time, it may cause damage to your body. You therefore need to be careful, keep an eye out for the signs of high blood pressure and go for regular medical check ups.
High blood pressure can be very dangerous and cause a number of problems. You may experience kidney failure as a result of high blood pressure. High blood pressure may lead to a heart attack. You may even suffer a mini stroke or a full stroke.
Blood pressure is said to be normal if it is 120 over 80 or below, although the average normal blood pressure differs between different races. Geographic location can also affect the average normal blood pressure. However, generally speaking if a person has a blood pressure in excess of 140 over 90, it is believed to be high. If your blood pressure is only a few degrees above normal it may not cause any obvious problems, but if the blood pressure is significantly above the norm the situation is more serious.
High blood pressure should not be left untreated – you could be risking your life by doing this. Most doctors will recommend a change in diet and/or lifestyle to people who are suffering from high blood pressure. Some doctors will even refer you on to a nutrition and food specialist for further advice. If you are suffering from another disease as well as high blood pressure you need to be extra careful because some of the medicines you are currently taking may lead to a sudden rise in blood pressure. It is therefore essential that you are properly diagnosed by a qualified doctor.
The appropriate medication for high blood pressure cases includes anti-hypertensive drugs (also called antihypertensives). These help reduce high blood pressure to normal levels. Alpha blockers and beta blockers are also sometimes prescribed along with anti-hypertensive drugs. In particular, beta blockers are given to patients to avoid migraines which can be caused by very high blood pressure. However, the role of beta blockers has been downgraded in the UK in recent years because there is a risk that they may provoke type 2 diabetes. In certain cases a person may suffer severely due to extreme high blood pressure and will require emergency treatment. In this case medication will be used which brings down blood pressure suddenly. This practice is very dangerous and is only used during severe emergencies.
Remember, that it is important to seek treatment from a qualified doctor. This article is only provided as advice and should not be used as a substitute for medical knowledge.